GDA Services Update
GDA update
GDA is fully open and following current COVID safety guidelines. If you have any questions please call our office 01452 372 999.
Key contacts
Telephone - 01452 372999
SMS - 07875 610860
Our services:
Communication Support Unit Service
Our Communication Support Unit are working hard to provide BSL interpreters in all settings, including support at work, medical appointments, support at colleges and schools including remotely where face to face is not currently possible. If you receive an invite for a GP or Hospital appointment, please contact us to arrange support.
Hard of Hearing Services - clinics & equipment
Our hearing aid and equipment service is now open. Almost all clinics are open, please see our website clinic page: Hearing Aid Clinics for dates and more information.
Our equipment service is also open at the GDA every Monday and Wednesday, please call us on 01452 372999 to make an appointment to try out our equipment. You can take one home on a trial basis, or purchase one from us. Equipment
Volunteer Service
Our volunteers are providing support to vulnerable people throughout the county so if you need help with food supplies or medicine collections, please get in touch. Volunteering
GEM Project Employment Service
Our Employment team are supporting deaf and hard of hearing people to find employment and training opportunities across the county.
Deaf awareness training
All face-to-face deaf awareness training will be cancelled for the time being with a view to rescheduling in the future. If you are interested in on-line options, please contact us at
Media and Comms
Our Media and Comms team are busy sharing information to deaf and hard of hearing people about COVID, lockdown and any information important to the lives of the deaf people in the region. They are also working alongside The Barnwood Trust to promote and find clear face-masks to benefit all residents in Gloucestershire.
Youth services
GDA will remain a source of support for deaf children and their families during this time so please contact or text 07848 968692 for any advice or guidance.
The Dalmatians Club
The Dalmatians Club is for deaf children and their families aged 0 – 8 and for deaf parents with hearing children. The usual programme of events will be suspended but watch this space for on-line activities. In the meantime, if you have any queries, please contact:
Lipreading Classes
Lip-reading classes are back every Tuesday. This webpage has more information: Lip-reading
Lunch Club
We have resumed the Lunch Club once a month on Thursdays. Please contact us to join us for the next one. Lunch Club
Friendship Circle
Friendship Circle activities are currently suspended. Watch this space for further information. Friendship Circle
Hard of hearing clubs
Both the Gloucester and Cirencester hard of hearing clubs have re-opened. Please contact us if you would like more information. Hard of hearing clubs
Transport Fund
We have a Transport Fund available to those who need support to get to somewhere. Please contact us for more information. Transport Fund
Stay safe; stay connected.