Since lockdown began, coming up with remote solutions in order to carry on services 'as normal' has been the priority of every charity and organisation up and down the country.
For GDA, the focus has been on ensuring that a remote interpreting service provision has been available for people living in Gloucestershire, whose preferred first language is British Sign Language (BSL).
In the absence of face-to-face appointments, many patients are being offered telephone conversations as an alternative appointment. For Deaf people though, those phone consultations are simply not an option.
In order to address the problem, the NHS has introduced a platform to offer remote appointments for BSL users.
'Attend Anywhere' allows a Deaf person to access a British Sign Language (BSL) interpreter and a medical professional via video link, enabling the consultation to go ahead visually rather than orally over the phone. To support the platform on a local level, Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust has approached GDA to produce an instruction video in BSL to further support our Deaf community. To watch the guide on how to use 'Attend Anywhere', please click here.
GDA continues to fully remain committed to supporting Deaf people during this difficult and uncertain time, and we're delighted to be working alongside Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust to help ensure those people can continue to access medical appointments in this time of pandemic.
If you are or you know someone who is Deaf and your/their preferred first language is BSL, please contact us on 07875 610860 to find out how we can support your communication needs.